What is Colonic Irrigation?
Colonic irrigation, using the gravitational method, is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon of poisons, gas and accumulated faecal matter. Unlike an enema, it does not involve the retention of water. There is NO discomfort, NO internal pressure, just a steady, gentle flow in and out of the colon. At the same time, an abdominal massage is given to stimulate the colon to recover its natural shape, tone and peristaltic action.
How is a Colonic Administered?
A person receiving a colonic, lies on a special colema board which is about 32″ – 42″ below the controlled water flow. A sterilized speculum is gently inserted into the rectum (by yourself). Water flow, which is under the control of the person receiving the colonic, flows into the colon via the specula, then out and around the specula carrying with it impacted faeces and mucus. As the water flows out of the colon you gently massage your abdomen to help the colon release its contents. It is possible to see the expelled waste matter in the catch basin at the end of the process.
You will perform the colonic irrigation by yourself in the privacy of your own bathroom. The colonic process usually takes about 30-40 minutes.
Are there Side Effects?
There are no side effects. It is not uncommon however, for some people to start to feel like they have a cold or a headache after a colonic. Toxins which have been lying dormant in the colon are now being flushed out and a small amount may be re-absorbed into the body’s system. This healing crisis passes quickly and the person will realise a feeling of well-being with further treatments.
Will colonic damage normal Intestinal Flora?
The normal intestinal flora will NOT be disturbed. One of the functions of the first half of the colon is to gather the intestinal flora needed for the colon. When the accumulation of faeces in the bowel leads to faecal encrustation, it is difficult for the colon to function normally and the glands in this lining cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora. The resulting lack of lubrication intensifies a state of constipation and generates toxemia. This upsets the normal acid-alkaline balance and the growth of the Friendly Bacteria is stunted. Cleansing the colon will help bring acid-alkaline ratio back into balance. In this environment, the Friendly Bacteria will again thrive and disease causing bacteria will find it difficult to develop.